05-05-2024 Regeneron Great Limerick Run, May Bank Holiday Weekend / Riverfest. Picture: Keith Wiseman
05-05-2024 Regeneron Great Limerick Run, May Bank Holiday Weekend / Riverfest. Picture: Keith Wiseman
05-05-2024 Regeneron Great Limerick Run, May Bank Holiday Weekend / Riverfest. Picture: Keith Wiseman
05-05-2024 Regeneron Great Limerick Run, May Bank Holiday Weekend / Riverfest. Picture: Keith Wiseman
Finish Gantry
Crowd Control Barriers
05-05-2024 IMAGE REPRO FREE The 15th edition of the Regeneron Great Limerick Run lit up the streets of Limerick, with more than 14,000 participants spanning all event categories. From seasoned marathoners to casual walkers in the 6-mile event, the thrill of accomplishment united everyone as they crossed the finish line on O’Connell Street. Limerick’s streets were vibrant with the cheers of over 45,000 spectators, who provided enthusiastic support and encouragement as they watched friends and family members stride by. Picture: Keith Wiseman